​​​ Elaine Slattery-Moskwa, TCRG - Registered and Vetted Member of the CLRG - IDTANA - MAR - Elaine@slatteryirishdance.com - Chester & Roxbury, NJ

Frequently Asked Questions​

Can my child try out a class for free to see if they enjoy Irish dance?
Yes!  We have open enrollment year round.  Please ask about a FREE trial class.  Take a tour of our studio, meet members of our teaching staff, try out a class in-progress and get to know more about our program and our school community.  Contact Elaine at (973) 229-4582 or elaine@slatteryirishdance.com to set up a date and time.

What is a good age to start Irish dancing?
For our children beginner classes, we accept students from 3 years old and up. No prior dance experience is necessary.

When are beginner Irish dance classes offered?

Our beginner classes are broken down by age.  Our Pre-Beginner (preschool aged students) class is offered on Saturday mornings, 9:30-10am.  Beginner classes are offered on Thursday evenings, 5:30-6:15pm. 

Can I start at any time during the year?
Yes.  We have open enrollment year round.  Please ask about a FREE trial class.  Contact Elaine at (973) 229-4582 or elaine@slatteryirishdance.com.

More advanced students are also accepted throughout the year.  Please email for more information.

What should a dancer wear to their first class?
We have a uniform for all classes. For the first Irish dance class, students can wear shorts and a fitted tank top or t-shirt. You do NOT need shoes for your first class-socks or old ballet slippers are perfect- you will be fitted for shoes after the first month of classes, unless otherwise discussed.

Registered students receive a Slattery School t-shirt at their first class which they should wear to class each week with black shorts or black leggings (weather permitting). lf you would like to also purchase uniform items, our school Spirit Store will open a few times throughout the year for orders. They are shipped to the studio and you can pick them up at class.

How much are classes? Do you offer a family discount?
Tuition for our Beginner 1 classes is $70/month. Please contact us for the tuition costs for more advanced students.

We offer a 10% discount for families with more than 1 student enrolled.  We also offer a 10% discount for the second class.

Do I have to be Irish to take lessons and perform?

No.  Irish dancing has become a multi-cultural sport with dancers from all different backgrounds. There are competitions and schools around the globe including Mexico, Australia, Asia, etc.

Do I need to wear a curly wig?
No. Curly hair is traditional to Irish dance because Irish woman would curl their hair for church and then attend an Irish festival where they would dance. We encourage our dancers to keep the traditional look.  Most students do opt for a wig for sake of ease, but a wig is not required to learn how to Irish dance.

Am I required to purchase lots of Costumes?
One of the best things about Irish dance is that families do not have to buy multiple costumes every year.  In fact, until you feel your child is committed, you do not have to purchase a costume.  Wearing the Slattery School T-Shirt they received at class on day 1 with black bottoms, or dressing in all black are perfect for parades and performances until you decide to get a costume.   For show performances and competing, a black long sleeved leotard and black skirt are required; no need for a costume until you are ready.  Even better, when you are ready for a costume, we have a used costume sale each year and even if you buy new, the costumes are made with plenty of room to grow!

Does my child have to compete?
Dancers do not need to compete, but it is definitely encouraged.   Our dancers are world class; competing in regional, national and world championship competitions. In addition to competing, our school performs often in our area.  We perform at shows and festivals throughout the year and provide opportunities for students of all levels to participate. 

Are there opportunities for social events outside of dance class?
Yes! We have various parties throughout the year, such as our Slattery Sleep Under Party in October, our Slattery Christmas Party in December, our Slattery Summer Pool Party in August, just to name a few.  Also, attending local Feiseanna (competitions) and marching in the St. Patrick’s Day parades and loads of performances at local festivals and fairs are other social events that you have to look forward to!

Can I make up a missed class?

Yes. Please let us know when you plan to miss a class and we can give you options for a make-up class.