
Oireachtas Practice Dates
September 14th, 21st

October 5th, 12th

​November 2nd, 9th, 16th, *23rd, 26th

Oireachtas Dress Rehearsal

11/23 - Location/Time TBA

Oireachtas Class Schedule

9:45-11:15am: Championship/Trad Set Solos

11:15-12:15pm: 4 Hands

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Social Media

For up-to-date information, please follow the social media accounts below:

Instagram Accounts:  @maroireachtas 

Facebook Pages: 2024 Mid-Atlantic Oireachtas

Website: www.mid-atlanticregion.com


Oireachtas Day Schedule


Mid-Atlantic Region Oireachtas Information

Thanksgiving Weekend

11/29/24 - 12/1/24

​Downtown Philadelphia Marriott

Philadelphia, PA

​​ Elaine Slattery-Moskwa, TCRG  -  Registered and Vetted Member of the CLRG  - IDTANA  - MAR  - Email: Elaine@slatteryirishdance.com  - Text/Call: 973-229-4582